Case Studies

Entering Myanmar's Market: Samudra's Challenge

Samudra, a renowned baked goods brand in Malaysia established in 1985, approached us with a pressing issue: penetrating the fiercely competitive market of Myanmar. Despite their longstanding success elsewhere, Samudra struggled to gain traction in Myanmar and faced a significant hurdle in increasing awareness among both dealers and consumers. Compounding their difficulties, they grappled with a high rate of product returns, largely stemming from a lack of awareness about their offerings within the market.


Navigating Competition and Low Awareness

The primary challenge for Samudra was twofold: standing out in a crowded market and addressing the issue of low awareness that led to an elevated rate of product returns. To tackle these obstacles effectively, Samudra needed a comprehensive marketing strategy that would not only introduce their products to the Myanmar market but also generate excitement and engagement among potential consumers. Overcoming these challenges was crucial for Samudra's growth and sustainability in the region.

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Success in Reach and Engagement
Campaign Results

Success in Reach and Engagement

Through a tailored multi-channel marketing approach, Samudra managed to achieve impressive results. With a return rate now below 10% after distribution, indicating increased satisfaction and awareness among consumers, Samudra effectively curbed their previous issue of high product returns. Their total reach soared to 3.1 million across digital channels, showcasing the success of their diverse marketing efforts. Moreover, the campaign garnered a remarkable total impression of 4.7 million across digital channels, signifying heightened brand visibility and engagement. By strategically utilizing sampling activities, TikTok videos, TV commercials, and social media giveaway campaigns, Samudra not only expanded its presence in Myanmar but also established a strong foothold in the market, paving the way for sustained growth and success.

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